What is it really to be free? Will one ever find genuine freedom in this world we live in?
The pursuit of happiness. To me, happiness is freedom.
The unattainable. Something is always going to hold us back, to tie us down.
I've been chasing it all my life, ever since I was a little kid, I remember staring up at the sky, getting lost in the stars, hoping with all my heart that I might just get sucked up into the vast ocean of twinkling lights above me.
Wishing always for something more.
The unattainable. Always wanting what I don't have.
Maybe to be free is really to realize you will never be free.
To accept life as it is, as it comes, flying at you one day at a time.
Acceptance: nothing will ever be what you want it to be, nothing will ever go according to plan.
To stop hoping the unimaginable will happen, because in reality it certainly never will.
Maybe to be free is to "just not give a fuck."
I agree, there is something very wrong about this statement, and previous ones, but there's also something that makes perfect sense in a bitter, cruel, real way.
The freedom of not letting society affect you.
because I want to beat society. I want to overcome it, to come out on top.
Everyone is so caught up in worrying about the future.
Maybe freedom is simply living in the moment.
To soak it up all while you can and you revel in that moment while you can, not worrying about tomorrow or the next minute, because that moment will be over in a second.
Just like that.
Maybe freedom is that moment.
Because, for that one moment, nothing mattered, nothing could harm you, nothing could ever fuck up that moment in time.
And I don't want my life to pass me by.
Maybe, I have finally found in my own way finally how to be free, even if just for a moment, because I will never really be free at all, except in that moment.
"And you were only waiting for this moment to be free," -The Beatles
hope this isn't too obtuse, or too depressing.
I just had that compulsion to write what I was feeling.
I included some of my photography that has of course been photoshopped a bit.
Thanks for reading.
love always,